The city, the box, the art and the climate. Attempt at a relational reassembly
A contribution by Prof. Dipl. Ing. Bernd Kniess
Professor for Urban Design at the HafenCity University Hamburg
Lecture as part of the symposium
Yesterday. Today! Tomorrow?
From the museum of late modernism, its history and its future, monument protection, the “third place” or climate box versus climate crisis.
Part III, October 27 + 28, 2023
Climate box versus climate crisis. Fit for the future: the climate-neutral museum
You can watch the recording of the entire talk here.
Professor for Urban Design at the HafenCity University Hamburg
The architect and urban planner has held the professorship since 2008. There he is responsible for the conception and management of the interdisciplinary master program Urban Design. In his teaching, research and practice, he is interested in the interrelationships of the contemporary city, whose diagrammatic description he makes the subject of inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge production and whose future scope he tests in procedures of relational practice, so-called ‘real laboratories’. His teaching and lecturing activities have taken him to Tokyo, Johannesburg, Cairo, Medellín, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, and most recently, as Graham Willis Professor, to Sheffield. He is a member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
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