The spatial culture of the museum

A contribution by Prof. Dr. Kali Tzorzti

Assistant Professor of Museology at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Patras.

Impulse lecture within the framework of the symposium
Yesterday. Today! Tomorrow?
From the museum of late modernism, its history and its future, monument protection, the “third place” or climate box versus climate crisis.
Part II, September 1 + 2, 2023
What next? More and more is not enough. Best Practices in Dealing with Redevelopment, Expansion, Rededication in Reflection of the Third Place’s Expanded Museum Function.

Three rows a four square photos. These show modern and old museum buildings from the outside, corridors in the museum rooms or entrance halls.
Glimpse of the lecture. This slide shows that the design of museum spaces can create very different spatial cultures.

The spatial culture of museums (Die räumliche Kultur des Museums)

The spatial culture of the museum is defined as how the layout of spaces and exhibits affects informational and social experience. Studies are presented linking spatial analysis to observation of visitor behaviour, to show how different spatial cultures arise from architectural and curatorial design.

You can watch the recording of the entire talk here.

Black and white portrait of woman with short hair. Snapshot aesthetic.
Prof. Dr. Kali Tzorzti

Kali Tzortzi is Assistant Professor of Museology at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Patras. She is the director of the module “Organization and Design of Museum Spaces” in the Master’s program in Museum Studies at the University of Athens. She is also the lead researcher on the H.F.R.I. funded research project Understanding Museum Architecture for Digital Experiences (2022-2025). She received her PhD from The Bartlett, University College London, on the interaction between buildings and exhibition design in museums, and worked as an exhibition consultant for the Greek Ministry of Culture and for architectural firms in national and international design competitions. Her recent book ‘Museum Space: Where Architecture Meets Museology’ (Routledge, 2015) presents a methodology for studying museums and a theoretical framework for interpreting them.

Further blog posts related to the architecture symposium

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Foundation logo, in green is written on the left in capital letters B & A with a circle around it. To the right is the foundation name written out in capital letters.


The advertising poster of the Architecture Symposium with writing in the bottom left corner: Part 2, September 1. + 2. .