Between pixel and pigment
Hybrid painting in post-digital times
“´There is a fascinating interface between pixel and pigment where digital and traditional art techniques meet and intermingle. This area explores the interplay between digitally generated images and handcrafted painting techniques, creating new visual languages and forms of expression.”
The exhibition, developed jointly by the Museum Marta Herford and the Kunsthalle Bielefeld and taking place simultaneously at both venues, is dedicated to post-digital hybrid painting and thus reflects our hybrid post-digital present, anchored between the digital and the analog. In this large-scale collaboration, the focus is on a painterly way of thinking that has expanded considerably, especially in the last ten years, through the equal interweaving of content and technology of the hybrid. The international artists fundamentally question the traditional medium of painting. To what extent do the changes influence materialities, image-media structures and aesthetics? How do hybrid spaces, bodies that have become fluid and a feeling of being in-between find pictorial correspondences? With the Kunstakademie Münster as the third project partner, museum practice, academic teaching and research are combined in an experimental way.
The Kunstakademie Münster organized an accompanying symposium, which took place on 19 and 20 July 2024.
What do we learn about the traditional genre of painting and the role of digitization when we look at both through the contemporary practice of post-digital painting? The international symposium, organized by Prof. Dr. Nina Gerlach and Dr. Simon Vagts, Kunstakademie Münster, sheds light on the history, developments and potentials of post-digital painting. Historical predecessors and reference points play a role here, as do the significance and developments from the so-called “digital revolution” to the present day.
With presentations by
Prof. Dr. Nina Gerlach (Kunstakademie Münster), Kristin Klein (Universität der Künste), Prof. Dr. Lev Manovich (City University of New York), Prof. Dr. Fabian Offert (University of California, Santa Barbara), Margit Rosen (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe), Dr. Luke Smythe (Monash University, Melbourne) and Dr. Simon Vagts (Kunstakademie Münster)
The contents of the symposium will subsequently be published in a scientific publication.
Admission is free.
Sónia Almeida, Tim Berresheim, Salomé Chatriot, Vivian Greven, Wade Guyton, Tishan Hsu, Jacqueline Humphries, Charlotte Johannesson, KAYA (Kerstin Brätsch/Debo Eilers), Peter Kogler, Vera Molnar, Mukenge/Schellhammer, Laura Owens, Seth Price, Rafael Rozendaal, Pieter Schoolwerth, Amy Sillman, Avery Singer, Cheyney Thompson, Philipp Timischl, Corinne Wasmuht, Anicka Yi and others.
In cooperation with:
