Christa Dichgans | Paul McCarthy
Innocent Games? Face to Face and Side by Side #9

Cibachrom on aluminum, Ahlers Pro Arte Foundation.
Right: Christa Dichgans, Toy Still Life (New York), 1967, acrylic on canvas, Kunsthalle Bielefeld. Installation view. Photo: Philipp Ottendörfer
In the series “facing each other” a work from the collection of Kunsthalle Bielefeld meets a selected loan from another institution. This encounter leads to new, often surprising perspectives.
In the ninth installment of our series “facing each other” a photograph from the series “PROPO” (1994) by Paul McCarthy from the ahlers collection and the painting “Toy Still Life (New York)” (1969) by Christa Dichgans from our collection meet. Dichgans’ painting depicts a chaotic accumulation of used toys, McCarthy’s photograph a doll with black skin and severed legs that invokes racializing attributions. While McCarthy deals with power, oppression, violence, and racism, Dichgans’ work focuses on accumulation, abundance, and the theme of mass: mass society, mass consumption, and also mass taste. Both works can be understood as a mirror of society and raise questions: What do children play with? What values are conveyed with the toy? What impact does this have – and what does it say about our society?
The exhibition is produced in cooperation with the Ahlers Pro Arte Foundation.
The exhibition series is produced in cooperation with the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 1288 “Practices of Comparison. Arranging and Changing the World” at Bielefeld University.
Face to Face
and Side by Side
The series “face to face and side by side” focuses on a work from the collection of Kunsthalle Bielefeld that addresses central issues in juxtaposition with a selected external work. The focus is always on a concentrated comparison of the selected works. In 2023, the Kunsthalle is cooperating with the Herford-based Ahlers Pro Arte Foundation, which is providing the external artworks on loan for all three interventions. In the three juxtapositions we show works by Alberto Giacometti, Christo, Paul McCarthy and Katrin Mayer, among others.